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The organization of economic activity nowadays calls for special attention towards innovations brought about by technology, capable not only of enabling the structure of new business models and strategies, but also of changing the structures and procedures of traditional models which face the need to adapt to the new economy.

Technology becomes even more relevant from the moment that controversies related with personal data takes up a center role in the activities of the economic agents, especially since the enactment of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This way, data handling – whether by companies of the so-called “economy moved by data”, whether by companies of the traditional market that process their users’ and clients’ data – becomes increasingly more important, notably due to the possibility of these agents’ accountability.

Furthermore, by allowing the structuring of new businesses, technology enables new ways of legally organizing the economic power in which corporate and contractual instruments –  particular to the need for attracting investments – gain space,  such as vesting contracts (angel investments, venture capital, among others), whose elaboration require a multidisciplinary approach. In this sense, we operate providing assistance to our clients in the following segments:

  • Legal, arbitration and administrative demands involving matters related with technology, the new economy and personal data protection;
  • Legal, arbitration and administrative demands involving copyright law and protection of software and industrial property (brands, patents, plant varieties, geographical indications, among others);
  • Elaboration of privacy policies, terms of use and other legal businesses according to the requirements of the General Data Protection Law;
  • Elaboration of contracts for technology transfer and acts of registration for industrial property rights;
  • Elaboration of contractual and corporate instruments for new businesses and startups;
  • Elaboration of legal advice, legal opinions and technical notes.