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Ana Frazão Advogados offers its clients direct and personalized legal advice in several areas in business law, such as in consulting and litigation (judicial and administrative), from a multi and transdisciplinary perspective, including both the needs of traditional companies – those already operating in consolidated markets – and of companies and economic agents that aim at structuring complex, innovative businesses – especially in the new economy.

With the support of professionals who have a wide expertise in Law, in the academy and in public administration, our firm is capable of connecting legal knowledge and technology, economy and administration, among other areas of knowledge, to build personalized solutions for each of our clients and, above all, to make them creatively and innovatively.


Direct and personalized legal counseling in business law from a multi and transdisciplinary perspective, meeting the needs of both traditional companies and of those from the new economy


We provide multidisciplinary support connected with the business contexts and particularities of each economic agent.


We provide legal advice, legal opinions and technical notes in all our practice areas.


Conjoint action with other firms in litigation, consulting and strategic planning.