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It is fundamental for market agents to be able to count on professionals who can structure a multidisciplinary and strategic approach, whether to elaborate articles of incorporation and contractual instruments, whether to solve controversies brought by the court or by arbitrations.  Such approach becomes even more important in the development of key sectors of the Brazilian economy, namely of those whose legal standardization is still being elaborated, such as agribusiness and the digital economy.

Consulting is of great relevance not only to inform and instruct litigation, but also to guide choices and business strategies under negotiation, whose success relies fundamentally in the existence of safe and consistent legal arguments.

Aiming to meet such demands, our practice in Business, Corporate and Contract Law involves:

  • Elaboration of articles of incorporation for business partnerships, of agreements between stockholders and partners, and of corporate contracts and other legal businesses;
  • Assistance and structuring of fusions, such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A);
  • Representation of the clients’ interests in business, corporate and contractual disputes before the court and courts of arbitration;
  • Representation of the clients’ interests in both legal and sanctioning procedures involving the capital market;
  • Assistance and structuring of securitization operations;
  • Elaboration of legal advice, legal opinions and technical notes.